DynoJet Jet Kits
Dynojet offers a wide range of Jetkits to fit carburetted applications. For on-road and off-road motorcycles, as well as ATV applications. Please use the ‘My bike search’ facility at the bottom of this page to find your vehicle and which products are available.
Stage 1 Kits
Designed for motorcycles with a stock engine using the stock airbox, air filter, and stock or aftermarket pipe. Stage 1 kits are fully adjustable to allow the use of well- designed aftermarket pipes and K&N stock replacement air filters. Stage 1 kits are designed to improve throttle response and driveability – in most cases; power increases of approximately 5% throughout the entire power range can be achieved.
Stage 2 Kits
Designed for motorcycles with a stock or mildly modified engine using a well- designed stock or aftermarket pipe with a modified airbox and a stock or K&N replacement air filter. Stage 2 kits are designed for applications where individual air filters cannot be installed and for applications where airbox modifications improve overall engine performance. In most cases power increases of approximately 8% can be achieved.
Stage 3 Kits
Designed for motorcycles with stock or mildly modified engines using K&N individual air filters and a stock or aftermarket pipe. In most cases power increases of 10-15% can be achieved. However, driveability may be compromised particularly with short stroke high RPM motors. On some modern engine and airbox designs, individual filters and proper jetting offer no performance improvement, yet compromise driveability. In such cases stage 3 kits are not available.
Stage 7 Kits
Designed for race use only or special applications. With the exception of our Harley-Davidson® stage 7 kits, all stage 7 kits are high RPM, racetrack use only and are not suitable for street use.
Thunderslide Kits
Thunderslide for Harley-Davidson® and Buell, is the benchmark in jet kit design. It incorporates the first custom-made slide by an aftermarket manufacturer, something no other competitor can claim. The unique configuration allows precise control over the slide’s range of movement. The slide creates a stronger signal, which improves fuel atomization. This provides more power, increased throttle response and improved fuel economy.
Whether you run a standard motorcycle, or a tuned sports model, Dynojet Carburettor Jet Kits can provide you with a simple and affordable solution to all your carburation problems. Dynojet Jet Kits increase power and smoothness throughout the entire rev range, while maintaining optimum fuel economy.
Dynojet offers a wide range of kits to fit any application. Several types (stages) of kits are available to fit your specific needs.
Each kit is assembled with full and comprehensive instructions, which show step-by-step installation.
Fuel Needle
The design of the needle is where Dynojet spends most of its R&D time. The needle is designed to give the correct amount of fuel throughout the midrange and is also designed to allow adjustment from groove 1 to groove 6 with little or no effect below 3000 RPM. With the correct end dimensions, the needle will have little effect on the main jet regardless of needle position, this isolates all circuits from each other and ensures easy set-up of the midrange, improve throttle response and driveability – in most cases; power increases of approximately 5% throughout the entire power range can be achieved.
Main Air Jet
This jet allows air into the emulsion tube to mix with fuel being drawn from the float bowl. It controls the amount of fuel that can be pulled from the float bowl in the venturi. Dynojet alters this only to achieve the flattest possible fuel delivery curve.
Pilot Circuit
This controls 100% of the engine idle and 25% of transition onto the needle. On some models the pilot air or fuel jet is changed to provide optimum fuel economy- Correct balancing of the carburettor also ensures a smooth idle.
Main Jet
We develop our main jets to correctly serve two functions: Static load and dynamic load. The static load is the fuel received through the main jet in the upper gears, where the tachometer is moving very slow. The dynamic fuelling portion of the main jet is the amount of fuel received from the jet in the midrange portion of the power.
Dynojet Kits from £90
Dynojet kit supplied,fitted and set up £300
If you’re looking to optimise the performance of your carburetted machine then DynoJet Jet Kits supplied and fitted by RJS Superbike can provide you with simple and affordable solution to all your carburetion problems.
RJS Superbike can supply a wide range of kits to fit any application, giving increased power and smoothness throughout the entire rev range, while maintaining optimum fuel economy, improving throttle response and overall performance.
Utilising RJS Superbike’s depth of knowledge and experience in this field, they can accurately advise you on the necessary Jet kit for your requirements to provide you with the optimum results in power increase and rideablility.
RJS Superbike are an official authorised Power Commander dealer